
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Suck It & See (Acoustic) by Alex Turner.

Here's a classic from my all-time favorite band, the Arctic Monkeys. This is a number from their latest album. I like it better acoustic. Alex Turner has made a drastic change from playing the role of the Shy Indie Boy to the Bad-ass Rockstar. Either ways, I still love him. He has captivated my heart since I was 11 years-old. His clever lyrics have improved my English. The stories are encrypted but I enjoy decoding it through his songs. They're not exactly the most unknown band but heck, they certainly are likable. Three cheers for the monkeys!

If you have not give this Brit wonder a listen, you have not lived. I enjoy his tracks both old and new. You would like them too. If you enjoy them, I'm pleased to tell you that you would also like The Strokes, The Kooks, and Alex Turner's side-project, The Last Shadow Puppets. However, I'd like to think that you probably have already heard of them. If you have, then pat yourself on the back! I will interest you with another track next time.